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Small Business Answer Man

Wondering how you can become better at running your business? Entrepreneurship can be stressful. There is too much to do and not enough time.If you’re isolated in your daily decisions, have no fear! Success and balance are possible. The Small Business Answer Man podcast is here to help you grow your business without losing your mind.We interview experts and find solutions so your business grows and you get your time back. Join the Small Business Answer Man podcast with Gary Wilbers, where you master the art of running a successful business, using practical advice from experts who want to help you succeed.

May 30, 2022

Rags-to-riches author and CEO Gene Rice and his high school English teacher daughter Courtney Bejgrowicz, share critical information alongside professional and personal successes and failures to demystify adulthood. They are the co-authors of the book “Grad to Grown-Up” which teaches everything you didn’t learn in school but all you need to know to launch your personal and professional life. The five sections—life, job search, career, personal finance, and health and relationships—provide real-world insights that are often overlooked in formal education. GENE RICE is a leading executive retained recruiter, placing over 1000 executives while building one of the largest search firms in the world. He is also chairman of Rice Cohen International, and co-founder of the Plant a Seed Inspire a Dream Foundation, which has helped over 700 children pursue their passions. 

He brings a desire to help others to all he does.

Introducing Gene Rice

  1. What problem do you solve?
    • How do you create great professional success?
  1. What three problems do you solve?
    1. He will share three things that help lead to a long-term fit between a company and a candidate.
    2. He will give questions that will quickly help determine if someone is a fit.
    3. He will share simple tips that can be incorporated into the company that may change the culture and help change profits.

Show Notes:

  • There are three things to look for when trying to find a long term hire:
    1. Any candidate that joins a corporation should feel they can add value to it.
    2. A year after joining, new hires should be able to step back and examine the multiple ways that they have grown professionally.
    3. New hires need to respect and like the people they work with.
      • If they don't have a rapport with their boss, they will be unhappy and will leave.
  • If you're doing a behavior-based interview, you have to connect with your interviewee.
  • You want someone to feel that you care about them upfront.
    • Be upfront when you schedule an interview.
      • What got you intrigued to talk to us?
  • Gene asks potential hires several things:
    • I really want to understand your background.
    • When were you the happiest professional and what was happening to make that so?
    • What do you enjoy most about your current position at your current company?
    • If you were the CEO of your current company, what would you change about it?
    • If I were to give you a magic wand to create your ideal company and job for yourself, what would you create?
      • What would the culture be like?
    • What questions do you still need to have addressed to make sure this is a good fit for the both of us?
  • Help your staff and help your company create purpose.
    • They want a greater purpose.
  • The first of every month Gene does a month-end review.
    • He reviews the five goals that an employee has set and managed.
    • It's important to recognize employees for the things that they did well that month.
  • A month-end review lets businesses keep in touch with their people.
  • Gene tries to positively impact as many people as possible every day.
  • Bring in interns to your business.
    • At the end of an eight-week program, you'll know if you want to hire any of them.
  • For interns, they should ask themselves if they can see themselves doing this and staying happy doing this once they have finished their eight weeks.
    • If you go out of your way to reach out to people, they will want to go out to lunch with you and vouch for you.
  • Support your kids' passions.
    • Help them find how to create a career from what they love.
  • Gene's book has 68 tips that covers areas of life, interviewing, health, relationships, and personal finances.

Connect with Gene:

Gene's websites:


Gene Rice Facebook

Courtney Bejgrowicz Facebook

Grad to Grown-Up Facebook


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