Mar 27, 2018
Carrie Tergin is the mayor of Jefferson City, lifelong resident of Jefferson City, owner of Carrie's Hallmark Shop, currently chairs the Board of Governors at her Alma Mater, Missouri State University.
Her knowledge of business and strong ties with her family are what she says shapes her vision for the city. Carrie...
Mar 19, 2018
Dr. Sherry Phelan is a High Performance Coach. For over 25 years, she has coached business owners, teams and those who face setbacks and challenges to use adversity and even disappointment as a catalyst to higher levels of success. Her trademark is Turnaround Thinking™. It's a mental reset button she pushes daily,...
Mar 12, 2018
Drew loves dogs, recycles, plays several instruments, can't keep his eyes off his wife and 75% of his family was adopted. Drew's professional life started in the public school band room and evolved into stringing lots of artsy areas together—like design, music, and film—to tell a good story. As a digital...
Mar 5, 2018
Charly Caldwell II began his journey in the late 80's helping people, businesses and organizations use the power of computers to connect and communicate - before the Internet and the World Wide Web became popular in the mid 1990s.
On October 10, 2000 he sold my first business and retired at the age of 29, after...