Jan 30, 2023
Shawn Buttner is a Certified High Performance Coach and host of The Meaningful Revolution Podcast. He specializes in helping business owners and professionals define and implement their purposeful impacts and best lives.
What problem do you solve? How to pivot and when to be thinking about that with your business.
Jan 23, 2023
Sam Feeney is a consultant and coach who helps business leaders achieve more by asking questions they've been ignoring.
What problem do you solve?
How to ascend beyond their current plateaus where they are feeling stuck.
Show Notes:
Jan 16, 2023
Rocky Lalvani serves as Chief Profitability Adviser for business owners. He teaches them how to ensure they get paid and make profit a priority! As a certified Profit First Professional he implements Mike Michalowicz's Profit First System. We change the accounting formula of Sales - Expenses = Profit to Sales - Profit...
Jan 9, 2023
Teryn Mozaffari is the owner of Happiness Factory Coaching and a Certified High-Performance Coach. She considers helping others discover ways and make decisions on how to live more productively her life’s work and finds great joy in helping others improvement their performance and live better lives.
Jan 2, 2023
Taking Control of Your Financial Future for You and Your Business
Mark Willis is a man on a mission to help you think differently about your money, your economy and your future. After graduating with six figures of student loan debt and discovering a way to turn his debt into real wealth as he watched everybody...