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Small Business Answer Man

Wondering how you can become better at running your business? Entrepreneurship can be stressful. There is too much to do and not enough time.If you’re isolated in your daily decisions, have no fear! Success and balance are possible. The Small Business Answer Man podcast is here to help you grow your business without losing your mind.We interview experts and find solutions so your business grows and you get your time back. Join the Small Business Answer Man podcast with Gary Wilbers, where you master the art of running a successful business, using practical advice from experts who want to help you succeed.

May 8, 2023

Simon Severino helps business owners discover how to be able to run their company more efficiently which results in sales that soar. He created the Strategy Sprints® Method that doubles revenue in 90 days by getting owners out of the weeds. Simon is the CEO and founder of Strategy Sprints which is a global team of certified Strategy Sprints® Coaches which offers a customized strategy to help clients gain market share and work in weekly sprints which results in fast execution. He is also a Forbes Business Council Member, a contributor to Entrepreneur Magazine, and a member of Duke Corporate Education.

What problem do you solve? 

Time and money. When you are running a business you don’t have time to solve your problems. Simon will help free up time for you to improve your business.

Show Notes:

  • He began as a strategy consultant to big name companies. He fell in love with this work.
  • Simon began his company but then realized he was the bottleneck. He then hired the employees he needed.
  • A business owner may not realize he’s the bottleneck. He may be saying things like: “I don’t have the bandwidth”, “I’m running out of steam”, “I’m too busy”.
  • When you feel you are running out of time, you need to sit down and do an inventory of where you spent your time. Then take one of your tasks and delegate it.
  • Secondly, you need to ask yourself: “If I would live more freely and more intentionally, what would I do tomorrow.”
  • It is the entrepreneurs job to look at the big picture and then delegate to finish solving the problem.
  • We only have control of our own habits. Three habits:
    • Daily habit: Write down what you are going to delegate and what new item you are going to do tomorrow to live more intentionally.
    • Weekly Habit: Getting a report about the week’s sales number (deals closed), marketing number (subscribers) and operations number (referrals or satisfaction rate). Track these 3 numbers.
    • Monthly Habit: Strategic analysis and then rebudgeting according to where you are winning.
  • Many entrepreneurs get distracted and start something new instead of focusing on what they are winning at and optimizing that.
  • Three things to consider if you want to double revenue. Increase these by 25% and increase revenue by 90%.
    • Sales frequency
    • Price
    • Conversion Rate
  • The best teams think in weeks and months and not years. It makes them more agile.
  • Protect your vision from temporary volatility.

Simon Severino’s Best Small Business Tip:

Turn your fixed costs into variable costs. Go to your biggest costs positions and see how you can pay according to profit and not a fixed amount.

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