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Small Business Answer Man

Wondering how you can become better at running your business? Entrepreneurship can be stressful. There is too much to do and not enough time.If you’re isolated in your daily decisions, have no fear! Success and balance are possible. The Small Business Answer Man podcast is here to help you grow your business without losing your mind.We interview experts and find solutions so your business grows and you get your time back. Join the Small Business Answer Man podcast with Gary Wilbers, where you master the art of running a successful business, using practical advice from experts who want to help you succeed.

Sep 23, 2024

Michael Barbarita has owned retail, manufacturing and service companies over the last 40 years.  He is the Author of the Book "Powerful Business Strategies" and Host of an Iheart Radio show of the same name.

What problem do we solve?

Michael solves the problem of lead generation and conversion for small business owners. He provides practical advice and strategies to help businesses attract more high-quality leads and effectively convert them into paying customers.

Small Business Answer Man Show Notes:

  • Being an entrepreneur can be demanding because there is never enough time to do everything.
  • Despite obstacles, it is possible to achieve balance and success in business.
  • Michael Barbarita talks about how to generate great leads and turn them into paying clients.
  • Steps of the Conversion Formula:
  • Captivate: Create a headline identifying the customer’s problem.
  • Fascinate: Engage with the solution they can’t find elsewhere.
  • Educate: Detail how the problem is solved.
  • Offer: Make a compelling offer using:
    • Scarcity and Urgency
    • Risk Reversal
    • Adding Value
    • Packaging and Bundling
    • Indifference to Outcome

  • The conversion formula is essential for business differentiation.
  • "I Hope So Marketing," which makes general statements that don't set the company apart, is a common marketing problem.
  • Emotional factors are the first and rational factors are the second targets of effective marketing.
  • Position of Market Dominance is attained by drawing customers in and holding their interest.
  • It is possible to avoid being merely another price-based decision by using the conversion formula.
  • Differentiation requires a dominant market position.
  • Dominance in the market demands work and an organized 13-week program.
  • begins with comprehending the customer's avatar to determine their issues.
  • A compelling customer avatar makes a company stand out and support higher prices.
  • Putting the 80/20 rule into practice and concentrating on high-impact tasks is essential for both revenue development and time freedom.
  • Owners of businesses should concentrate on developing original tactics rather than copying rivals.
  • In addition to offering free downloads of the book, Next Step CFO does interviews for it.
  • To dominate the market, Michael Barbarita stresses the significance of differentiating your firm.
  • Seven-Step Pathway to Profit Formula:
    • Quality Leads: Generate high-quality leads.
    • Conversions: Focus on conversion rates within the sales process.
    • Closing Rates: Increase the percentage of leads converting to customers.
    • Client Retention: Retain and add value to existing clients.
    • Average Dollar Per Sale: Enhance the average revenue per sale through additional products or services.
    • Frequency of Sale: Increase the frequency of sales to existing customers.
    • Cost Management: Manage both fixed and variable costs efficiently.

  • Steer clear of ambiguous statements like "best service" or "highest quality," as they don't provide any value to your company. Instead, to differentiate yourself from the competition, use a targeted and distinctive marketing strategy.
  • Employ the techniques of enthrallment and amazement to establish a solid position of market supremacy. This lets you stand out from the competition by addressing certain consumer issues and offering customized solutions.
  • Create a thorough customer avatar to pinpoint their particular issues.
  • Instead of trying to outwit rivals, concentrate on what makes you unique.
  • Focus on the 20 percent of your endeavors that provide 80 percent of your outcomes.
  • Customize your solutions to meet the needs of each consumer so that you can provide greater value.
  • A distinctive value proposition will allow you to charge more for your goods or services.
  • Make a name for yourself in your industry by standing out from the competition.

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