Jul 10, 2023
Anthony Butler is the founder of the digital marketing agency Can-Do Ideas and author of Primal Storytelling, Marketing for Humans. He is a highly regarded expert in brand storytelling and digital marketing. Anthony graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point, and the US Army Ranger School. He is a combat veteran and commanded an infantry company in Iraq during the invasion of Baghdad. He is also a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu blackbelt and currently resides in Montana with his wife and two sons.
Anthony helps companies get more website traffic and build their social media followers which increases their customer base.
Understand who your audience is and then make a strategic marketing plan. You should have your plan in place at least 90 days ahead of time.
Website: www.primalstorytelling.com
Get a free digital copy of the book and 7 bonuses at www.primalstorytelling.com/podcast
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