Jul 31, 2023
David is a Husband, Father, entrepreneur and coach… and loves to sing. He lives just outside of Nashville, TN with his wife Lisa and their two children. David has a product in over 3000 retail stores (The keyless StatGuardPlus – a thermostat guard with a combination lock). He is also the lead coach for Dr. Andy Garrett’s True North Blueprint.
David started off as a business owner that developed thermostats with locks. He now helps people solve and answer the question of how individuals are made uniquely and how they show up in the world and how to use their uniqueness.
You become like the people who you surround yourself with. Have people that will call you up and help you to be better.
Also, early in his business, David thought he had to do all things and know all things and then he realized he had to get himself in the right seat on the bus and then pick up people to fill in the other seats.
Website: statguardplus.com and davidask.com
Email hello@DavidAsk.com for a free tool to help you better understand what you are feeling and why that matters.
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