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Small Business Answer Man

Wondering how you can become better at running your business? Entrepreneurship can be stressful. There is too much to do and not enough time.If you’re isolated in your daily decisions, have no fear! Success and balance are possible. The Small Business Answer Man podcast is here to help you grow your business without losing your mind.We interview experts and find solutions so your business grows and you get your time back. Join the Small Business Answer Man podcast with Gary Wilbers, where you master the art of running a successful business, using practical advice from experts who want to help you succeed.

Dec 20, 2021

For over 30 years, Richard Flint has been speaking and changing lives. Richards' has a passion for helping anyone who is tired of wandering through life and feels like they are lacking the clear understanding of what it takes to rise above normal and achieve a life of accomplishment, freedom, success, and a personal wealth of knowledge that will serve them for the rest of their lives.

Richard is the author of 19 books and numerous webinar programs. He is also the host of his own podcast - Let’s Talk Human Behavior.

Show Notes:

  • Richard was prepared to be a person of presence and of value.
  • He has a list of 16 laws that hold his life together.
    • One of these is to never stay anywhere where his presence isn't appreciated.
  • Richard has traveled and shared his research for the past 32 years.
    • He calls it his crusade, and not his mission, because a crusade is where you go and make an impact.
  • Life is continual education.
  • You have to look for the opportunities and the moments that challenge you.
  • Most people live from the outside in.
  • In most audiences, they don't want to improve, they want an excuse.
  • Richard created his own definition of stress that says that stress is anything in life that makes you uptight.
  • Routines make us feel safe and comfortable but can also be traps.
  • People who work to eliminate stress create stress.
  • People who try to control stress make it their friend.
  • Are you moving faster than you can manage?
  • Slowing down for most people is a real challenge.
  • You have to build your life on a foundation of trust in yourself.
  • You can handle change and turn it into improvement if you bring 3 A's to your life:
    • Adapt
    • Adjust
    • Align yourself
  • Behavior never lies.
  • The essence of truth is not what you talk about, but it is what you do.
  • We have to be honest about our behavior.
  • Most people want honesty as long as it's not honest.
  • Richard has four important guiding questions:
    1. What do I really want?
    2. Why do I really want this?
    3. What price am I willing to pay to have it?
    4. What behaviors will I have to improve to get there?
  • You can't just sit down and write a goal. Use Richard's four questions to clarify what you want with life.
  • Writing a goal does not create direction,
  • Richard's number one philosophy says "Why spend energy being a carbon copy when you're an original."
  • He wants to have a positive presence that is present when he's not present.
  • Clutter is the number 1 dysfunctional behavior in human life.
  • Clutter is anything that holds you as a hostage to yourself.
  • You can't improve in chaos.

Richard Flint's Recharge Round

  1. What habit do you think has led to success in your life? Richard Flint is disciplined.
  2. What's the simple positive action that you take each day to move forward to achieve your goals? He doesn't do a to-do list he does an achievement list.
  3. What's your biggest life lesson and what have you learned from it? He is an original and he is perfectly designed to achieve what he needs to achieve.

Connect with Richard:

Richard's website:



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