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Small Business Answer Man

Wondering how you can become better at running your business? Entrepreneurship can be stressful. There is too much to do and not enough time.If you’re isolated in your daily decisions, have no fear! Success and balance are possible. The Small Business Answer Man podcast is here to help you grow your business without losing your mind.We interview experts and find solutions so your business grows and you get your time back. Join the Small Business Answer Man podcast with Gary Wilbers, where you master the art of running a successful business, using practical advice from experts who want to help you succeed.

Feb 15, 2021

Steven Mark Kahan has successfully helped to grow six start-up companies from early-stage development to going public or being sold, resulting in more than $3.5 billion in shareholder value. He is currently Chief of Staff at Thycotic, which will become the seventh.

He has just written a book published by Wiley and Audible and available on called “Be a Start-Up Superstar.”  The book teaches those graduating college and young professionals how to earn a great living doing what they love by igniting their career at a tech startup.